Sunday, September 26, 2010


[Editors Note: The following article was published exclusively in the Monmouth College Courier on September 24th. In the article, the President of Monmouth College, Mauri Ditzler, foresees a new and “dynamic interaction” between the city of Monmouth and Monmouth College. The Warren County Newswire will be following important developments in this process with a series of special reports over the next weeks and months.]

Town/Gown Poll Results
By Adam Kinigson

From April 7-8 2010, Monmouth College conducted aN unprecedented citywide survey in which 300 Monmouth citizens were polled in order to get a better understanding of the town’s attitude toward the college.

“Part of ensuring you have a good relationship with your neighbor is to find out what they think about you,” said President Mauri Ditzler. “The first couple of questions asked whether or not the public thought the college was on the upswing or going downhill.”

According to the poll, 84.7 percent of the people surveyed believe the college is improving, while only one percent felt it was declining. Also, 79.7 percent of the people believe the college is an important asset to the community.
On top of generating income for the town, the college has also helped create new jobs. In fact, according to the poll, from 1993 to 2004 the college added 487 new students which created 76 new jobs.

“You can imagine people saying that as the college gets larger, the more problems arise,” said Ditzler. “It’s a great endorsement of our students that we increased in size and people still remain positive.”

However, not everyone is in favor of the college expanding. According to the survey, in order to expand its student population, Monmouth College would have to purchase additional land within Monmouth city limits in order to build additional student housing. Since Monmouth College is a non-profit organization it does not pay property taxes, which means expansion would take properties off the tax rolls.
46.7 percent felt that this was the biggest disadvantage the college had on the community.

“Every time the college buys a house people will say, ‘there goes another 5,000 dollars in property tax,’ but we say that the town is growing and the money goes back into the college,” said Ditzler. “The school is one of the town’s greatest employers. People like the idea of more jobs.”

A combined 44.7 percent of the people believe that the greatest impact Monmouth College provides the citizens is the overall economic impact on the town and the 250 full time and part-time jobs the college supplies.

“I hope that over the next 10 years there will be a dynamic interaction between the town and college,” said Ditzler. “It’s not about competing with the town, but rather working together with it. You can’t make improvements if you don’t know what to fix.”
Thanks to the poll, the college now has a better understanding of the town’s outlook toward it and how relations between the two can improve for the future.

“I’d like people in Monmouth to say this is a great place to live and Monmouth College contributes to that,” said Ditzler. “I also want people to say that the college is great school to attend because it’s in a great town.”

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


New Traffic Patterns
By Joe Testolin

MONMOUTH — City officials voted unanimously this week to pass an ordinance to make the 500 block of W. Archer a two-way street City Administrator Eric Hanson said he spoke with Monmouth-Roseville School District Superintendent Paul Woehlke who gave him the green light to move forward and make the one-way street a two-way street to minimize traffic congestion around the empty school.

Hanson also reported that work on the water supply for the south side of town would begin within 10 days with an expected completion date of December. 1. He said contractors would use a bore method rather than using open cuts in an effort to lessen disruption for the residents in that area
In other action, City officials honored Monmouth Fire Chief Jim Conrad. The Council recognized the retiring fire chief for his years of service to the city. Local 1702 presented Conard with a mounted "Chief's Axe" and Mayor Rod Davies presented Conard with a commemorative plaque. Both presentations were met with a standing ovation from Council members and visitors.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Monmouth 30
Lawrence 25

Monmouth 0
Greenville 0\
(double overtime)

Greenville 3
Monmouth 1

Lincoln Christian 3
Monmouth 0

Monmouth 3
Robert Morris 1

Monmouth 3
Coe 1

Lake Forest 9
Monmouth 0

Sunday, September 19, 2010

From Coorain to Monmouth

A Required Text Comes to Life
By: Arica R. Brazil

“The Road From Coorain.” has been required reading for freshman students at Monmouth College for the past two years. The book can be seen around campus sticking out of book bags of students or in the hands of others cramming to read the sage green paperback.

The book came to life on campus this week in the form of its author, Jill Ker Conway, who appeared at a college convocation. The writer stood in comfortable confidence in front of college faculty and students dawning a light blue blazer and elegant, simple jewelry. The title of the convocation was “Thinking about Women” and Conway spoke specifically to the women in the audience, urging them to believe as women that they are capable of anything. Conway, currently seventy-seven, explained her unique childhood, her adolescence, and also touched on her adulthood. Not only did she discuss her personal life, but her close connection to feminism. Her views went hand in hand with her title, and she believes wholeheartedly in a woman’s ability to perform as well as men in the various arenas of the workplace, sports, etc.

But perhaps, the most compelling statement from Conway was “the need for courses which would provide a outlet for the major research of women.“ Monmouth College does have a Women’s Studies course, but many in the audience wondered if this could be expanded. Perhaps a course on Women’s History, or Women’s Sports History would better prepare the women of Monmouth College for adulthood. Perhaps Monmouth could birth a Jill Ker Conway of its own if these additional classes were added.

Conway only spoke for an hour, but without a doubt opened the minds of students here on campus. Concluding the night with this “I am very happy to hear the comments (concerning her topic) and questions tonight. The road from Coorain to Monmouth is complete.”

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sleigh Bells Ring

by Kasandra DeFrieze

Monmouth, IL - It's never a bad idea to be thinking this early in the year about driving and parking on snowy streets. The Monmouth City Council began discussing that issue this week, and Monmouth College students need to start thinking about it as well.

Two or more inches of snow on the roads mean inconvenient parking for Monmouth College Students. The city’s snow routes forbid parking on certain streets during these conditions. At the City Council Meeting last week, Alderman Bob Wells proposed the addition of more streets to be added to the snow routes this winter.

City officials believe Monmouth College students receive more parking tickets than the rest of the population. During the snowy season, parking tickets and inconvenient walking conditions make the months of December and January the most stressful for Monmouth College students. During circumstances of two or more inches of snow on the roads, students are not allowed to park their cars on certain streets surrounding the college. These roads make up the city snow routes where parking is forbidden.

Snow route violtions cost $50. The snow route affecting Monmouth College students most is D Street from 11th Avenue to Broadway and 1st Street from 2nd Avenue to Boston. Most cars seen parking on these streets belong to Monmouth College students, so students are the prime candidates for tickets during the snowy season.

Eric Hanson, City Administrator, claims the problem rests in inadequate communication of information. “You’re coming into a town and you’re not familiar with all of our city ordinances so a lot of it is just not knowing,” Hanson said. “However, it is posted; the information is out there.”

Many college students are familiar with the colorful windshield decoration of parking tickets during the winter months. Better communication for Monmouth College students could help solve this problem. “I am quite confused on the snow routes,” Junior Shara Welter said. “I think the school should send a little reminder out once it gets closer to the winter months . . .We see a lot of the same people during that time,” Hanson said. “Some people say they didn’t know and (psy), but some also get multiple accounts just because they don’t want to pay. It’s an expensive lesson to learn.”

The proposition for changing snow routes will be discussed further at the next city council meeting. The new snow routes may include: East Ninth Avenue from South Sixth to Main Street; East Third Avenue also from South Sixth to Main Street; Second Avenue from South Main to D Street; Archer Avenue from North Main to North B Street.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tanney Injury Confirmed

By Kelsey Beshears.

Monmouth, IL - Monmouth College football coach Stephan Bell confirmed today that All American quarterback Alex Tanney received a serious injury to his right shoulder in Saturday’s game against Grinnel. Bell said Tanney was injured when he was hit by a defender after throwing a pass in the first quarter. “He spun around and the defender landed on him.” Bell said he is out indefinitely, which means there might be a slight chance he could come back for another game later in the season, but they are taking it day by day. His position will be filled by Brik Wedekind who is a Freshman from Princeton, IL. Coach Bell said of Wedekind "He did a good job. After the first couple series he got comfortable and did well. The more (playing time) he gets the better he will become."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


MONMOUTH, IL - Informtion regarding the condition of Alex Tanney, Monmouth’s All American quarterback is still not being made available by the college. Tanney was injured in Saturday’s game against Grinnell. School officials say they are unable to release information due to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) rules. Informed sources tell the Newswire, however, that Tanney may be out for the season. We will report on Tanney’s condition when information is released by the College.