Tuesday, May 4, 2010


by Michelle Nutting

(ROSEVILLE) Residents of Roseville and surrounding communities have high hopes for the new Roseville Community Christian School. But with a low turn out to last Thursday night’s meeting, one member of the Feasibility Committee, Paul Peterson, expressed some disappointment “The turnout was low on Thursday and that’s surprising because the first meeting a lot of people showed up.” A low attendance could indicate signs of low enrollment.

Peterson said, “We had 9 sign up last Thursday, I’m praying for 50 but I’m not sure what we’ll get, probably around 20.” Surveys were mailed out to Roseville residents handed out at the meeting. These surveys measure demographic information about each family interested in having its children attend the new school. The committee will meet this Friday to review surveys and determine how many students are expected to attend the school in August.

1 comment:

  1. I think a lot of the "interest" in a Christian school was spawned by anger over the closing of Roseville Elementary. That anger is now fading, and people face the reality that they would have to pay for a private education. I have serious doubts that Roseville could sustain a private school that's anything more than a glorified gathering of home-schoolers.
