Friday, October 11, 2013


By Cody Whiteside
With shooting tragedies happening at schools throughout the U.S., security cameras are becoming more essential in schools. This was the theme at this month’s Monmouth-Roseville school board meeting. The District 238 board proposed and approved motions to add security cameras to all six schools in the district. Those schools include the high school, junior high, Central, Harding, Lincoln, and Willits schools. District Superintendent, Ed Fletcher, explained that the schools currently have monitors to allow people to be let inside, but no camera to ensure the person entering the building comes into the office, rather than somewhere else in the building. The cameras will help ensure student safety.
When asked about the cameras being a pressing issue, Fletcher responded by saying, “We are always looking to improve the safety for our students and staff, the tragedies just sped up the process”. He was also asked if there would be any issues regarding student privacy with the new cameras. He ensured there has been no student privacy issues have been brought up “as the cameras will only be installed in main entryways”. He noted that it would be a different story had cameras been installed in classrooms, but that is not in the plan.

Other news throughout the rather quiet board meeting included small repairs to stair treads and safety procedures to secure the shaky basketball hoops at the highs school. It was also approved to replace the MRHS gymnasium roof in the near future.

A couple proposals including the re-wiring of the football field lights and connecting the fire alarm system to the new Ag building were tabled for further discussion. This was solely due to the fact that Superintendent Fletcher wanted to secure more accurate price numbers before suggesting it for discussion.


1 comment:

  1. More security camera is most important for school region because it is safety for school and other people.
    Security Schools in Miami
